
The lab is open again!

3, 2, 1 .... and we are BACK!

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

It really has been 5 years, since the last time someone brewed something up in the monkey lab.
A lot has happened, people have been pursuing other stuff in their life, traveled the globe, met new people. Well, life has happened and that makes it hard sometimes to stay in touch and be creative on our own.

We wanted to brush off the dust, clean out the beakers, and get back to cooking together in the good old funky monkey lab!

The idea behind the lab is to get creative once per month to a given topic and see what other people come up with. Hopefully inspiring you to keep pushing your creativity and skill. You can use whatever medium you like; painting, 3D, sculpting, photography, writing, expressive dancing.....

Funky Monkey Lab is not a competition. It is a motivation to get your lazy bum off the couch and start with the first brushstroke, the first word or the first squeeze into the clay.

As always you are invited to tinker in the lab and become a part of it!

This months topic is:

"Welcome home!"

End of the deadline is 12th of July

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