
A little late, I know. But here's some fun with shapes and colors


Oh boy, was struggling big time with this one.
It just did not come together. Restarted twice.
I will just leave it now....

Topic August

Here we go again with the next topic that is


Deadline is September 20th.

Looking forward to the results!


Tried to work form a 3D blocking to have more flexibility in testing different camera angles.




At first I had another idea in mind... but then I found this rough sketch I made a some time ago and though it would be a got fit :) So here is an updated version of the old scribble.

Topic July 2020

Hello fellow artists -after a nice start we continue with a new topic for the month.


Deadline will be 15th of August

Greetings and have fun :)
Glad that we are back together in the lab! Great entries so far!

Home Sweet Home

Made a little paper version of my Hometown Osnabrück... I wanted to animate the separate layers a bit -but the month went faster then I thought :) maybe there will be an updated version.
P.S. Greetings to all the Monkeys -its nice to be back!

Welcome Home

Hey everyone! Here's my first post ever. I hope you enjoy, I certainly enjoyed creating it :)

Welcome Home

Here is my painting for the topic "welcome home".

I had a lot of fun painting it and am excited for the next topic!
Kept it a lot rougher than I had in mind in the beginning.

The lab is open again!

3, 2, 1 .... and we are BACK!

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

It really has been 5 years, since the last time someone brewed something up in the monkey lab.
A lot has happened, people have been pursuing other stuff in their life, traveled the globe, met new people. Well, life has happened and that makes it hard sometimes to stay in touch and be creative on our own.

We wanted to brush off the dust, clean out the beakers, and get back to cooking together in the good old funky monkey lab!

The idea behind the lab is to get creative once per month to a given topic and see what other people come up with. Hopefully inspiring you to keep pushing your creativity and skill. You can use whatever medium you like; painting, 3D, sculpting, photography, writing, expressive dancing.....

Funky Monkey Lab is not a competition. It is a motivation to get your lazy bum off the couch and start with the first brushstroke, the first word or the first squeeze into the clay.

As always you are invited to tinker in the lab and become a part of it!

This months topic is:

"Welcome home!"

End of the deadline is 12th of July