
New Topic is...

... "Something's strange, in the neighbourhood..."

You may refer to the great Movie Blockbuster, but you don't necessarily have to ;-)

Deadline will be on 17th of June. Have fun with it!


Have to work on my self-confidence... i could have updated it in time, but didn't have the courage to do so :-(
but here it is:

i also had the duck in mind, but didn't worked it out. But i'm glad you did alex ;-)

Duck in a box ;D

I tried a lot of stuff but nothing really worked out
 ... so I made a duck in a box :)

Cloudy... Shape

After some time of flipping and turning I saw the nose of Flint Lockwood in this shape... and so I started painting ;)
Really loved the first Movie -and I am looking forward to see part two!

16th topic or shape - May 2013

Hey fellow monkeys!

The new topic is not a topic it is a SHAPE!
You have to integrate this shape into your picture. It can be part of a character, something inside a landscape, a 3d model with that shape or a shape inside a painting inside a 3d model inside a canvas inside a picture.... you get the idea.
Feel free to rotate and flip the shape.
So here we go:

Deadline is Monday, May 27th.

Have fun!

Rising of the Broccoli

B-Movie Poster

I know this is a little bit Off-Topic because it´s no typical B-Movie... but this is one of the Films, which inspired me the most in my young ages ;) and started my interest in Action Movies and Special Effects 

And to be more accurate to the definition of the topic... I made another one :) hope you guys like it!

B-Movie Poster


Hey, had so much fun with this one: