
New Topic

It's an honour for me to introduce the new topic... well, i have two possible ones, but i'm not sure which one to pick... maybe you all can help me?!

On the one hand, i'd like "The Incredible Machine" - 'cause it's something where you don't necessarily have to paint characters and faces and stuff... again.
On the other hand, i'm having a tough time at the moment, so the other possibility would be "It's not FAIR!!!"

Thanks for helping me with the decision!

PS: Deadline will be February the 17th, i guess?!

something's wrong

Hey Guys,
thats my first painting for the blog, laugh if you must.

And by the way: Hello everybody!

Something´s Wrong

Hey Guys -so here´s my first picture for 2013... hope there are some to follow :) Had a lot of fun with this little sloth! Really put some effort into the lighting, but I think it paid off ;)

11th topic -January 2013

Hello fellow F******! :D The "new" topic is "something´s wrong".
So you are free to pick whatever you like. Deadline is the 28th of january.